Types of engagements

The Declaration of Intent signed on September 17, 2004 states that the European Gendarmerie Force (EUROGENDFOR) will perform police missions through substitution and/ or strengthening of local police, whose aim is to provide Europe with a full capability in order to conduct all police missions in crisis management operations within the framework of the Petersberg Declaration, with particular regard to substitution.


  • Local Police has to be totally replaced because they do not exist or the existing structure is not organised, able or reliable to perform its functions. It will be necessary to re-establish from scratch a new Local Police system.
  • Local Police can be maintained – The existing Local Police will have to be submitted to vetting and re-training processes and, once new personnel has been recruited and trained, will then progressively take over full responsibility for police functions. The international police presence will have primacy over the Local Police in performing police functions, and will retain the responsibility in carrying out high profile investigations.


  • The international police presence in the conflict area will not have executive powers;  they will not carry out executive police duties in the Host Country and, therefore, in principle they will not be armed. On a case by case basis, exceptional situations might justify the need for self defence means for EUROGENDFOR personnel, including the presence of a protection element.
  • The international police officers will be tasked to monitor, mentor and advise as well as train the Local Police in order to raise their professional standards according to a code of conduct compatible with international human rights. These activities might encompass the restructuring of the Local Police, including screening and vetting programmes.
  • The exit strategy for the international police presence will be to build up local capacities under local ownership approach, by raising the Local Police standards up to international best practices.


Provision of Planning Capacities 
  1. Assistance to the Strategic Decisional Level
  2. Assistance to International Organizations
Monitoring Missions

A. Variables according to the phase of the conflict:

  • conflict prevention;
  • peace-keeping;
  • conflict resolution;
  • peace building;

B. Variables according to specific functional monitoring tasks

  • cease-fire agreement/peace agreement;
  • demobilisation and disarmament;
  • border issues;
  • refugee return;
  • human rights;
  • rule of law issues;
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